If you have a child that is struggling with their emotions or is having behavioral issues, you may be considering taking them to traditional talk therapy. However, what you may not know about is child's play therapy. Children's play therapy is a treatment that offers many benefits to patients (children) as well as their parents. Get to know more about child's play therapy as well as how this form of therapy may help your child.
25 June 2020
If you have an addiction to alcohol, know that you are not alone. Millions of people across the country are struggling with the same addiction and are feeling what you are feeling. You might, in fact, be feeling as though you will never be able to beat your addiction or that it has become who you are instead of a disease that you are fighting. But this is not the case.
25 June 2020
Professionals call it "maladaptive daydreaming" but to you, it's a comfortable, sometimes exciting place of fantasy where you can escape nearly any hardship or woe. Whether you're dealing with heartbreak, loss, trauma, abuse, financial problems or simple boredom, daydreaming could become your go-to coping mechanism. However, when the fantasy begins to take priority over your real-life responsibilities, along with pushing aside actual measures of resolution, things can quickly turn from dream to nightmare.
11 March 2020
If you have tried to quit drinking only to find that you can't seem to do it on your own, then you are more than likely an alcoholic. There are reasons why quitting drinking is hard for alcoholics. Quitting drinking can affect you physically when you have physical withdrawals, and this can leave you reaching for another drink to put an end to those bad physical symptoms. Also, quitting drinking is hard to do from a mental standpoint because you will have a strong craving that will be very hard to get past.
26 November 2019
Marriage can be a lot of work. Even a good marriage goes through difficult times, which can be really stressful to you and your spouse. Getting help or counseling is never going to be a bad idea, even if your marriage is going pretty well. Every couple can use a checkup and new tools to deal with any problems. If you are going to get some marriage counseling, there are various ways that you can get the help that you are looking for.
23 September 2019
Marriage counseling helps couples learn how to communicate more effectively. If you are stressed out by your partner and you aren't sure where your marriage is headed, a counselor can help you gain clarity. You may discover that both of you are unhappy in your marriage, and you have both been thinking about a divorce. When you aren't ready to let go of your marriage but you know that you need some help in order to figure it out, it's time to see how a counselor can help.
29 June 2019
When you are dealing with some mental health issues, you want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to help make sure that you're stable and able to handle life to the best of your abilities. There are a number of different kinds of professionals that you can see in order to make sure that you are OK. You may find that a combination of providers and services is the right option for you.
25 February 2019
If you've been going through a particularly hard time in life and need some help working through your issues, it may be time to get professional help. While it's always great to have friends and family around to talk through your concerns, they may not always understand your needs. In addition, life can get busy and it may feel difficult to reach out. The good news is there are professional counselors and therapists who are willing and able to help you.
17 October 2018
For a parent, there can be plenty of warning signs that your child is dealing with attention deficit disorder. The child may seem to be all over the place, moving from one activity to another and getting easily distracted, for example. While plenty of children have ADHD-like symptoms to some degree, just because they're full of energy and curiosity, it's often obvious when a child's ADHD symptoms are an issue.
25 May 2018
Most parents understand that children can stretch the truth and even lie on occasion, and will likely use some form of discipline in an attempt to curb this behavior. However, you may notice that your child is lying frequently — to you, to his or her teacher, and even to friends — and this will likely be a cause for concern. Instead of trying to increase the disciplinary measures, consider getting help from a psychologist who focuses his or her practice on children.
8 March 2018