4 Vital Signs Its Time To See A Trauma Therapist


Trauma is an ever-increasing part of our society, and with each generation, it continues to rise. Trauma is the experience of a severely distressing or disturbing event. It can be an event that was once experienced or something that occurred repetitively and formed a cycle of behavior, such as physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. It's important to note here that not everyone who experiences trauma develops Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, if a traumatic event causes PTSD, it's advisable to see a trauma therapist urgently.

When Do You Need Trauma Therapy?

PTSD is diagnosed when an individual has been exposed to a traumatic event involving actual or threatened death or serious injury, and they experience intense fear, helplessness, or horror. After the event, symptoms may start within a few days, but sometimes, symptoms don't appear until months or even years later.

Common trauma signs are using drugs, smoking, engaging in risky sexual behavior, difficulties sleeping or having nightmares, feeling hopelessness, and isolation or alienation from friends and family. You may experience other signs, such as aggressive or self-destructive behaviors, feeling alienated or estranged, negative feelings of guilt or shame, problems concentrating on schoolwork, and having academic problems.

Major indicators that you are severely traumatized and you need urgent trauma therapy include:

1. Reliving the Event (also known as re-experiencing symptoms)

You need to see a trauma therapist urgently if you relive the traumatic event repeatedly through thoughts and memories of the trauma, flashbacks, nightmares, and severe emotional distress or physical reaction to something that reminds you of the event.

2. Avoiding Reminders of The Traumatic Event

When someone goes out of their way to avoid people, places, things, or feelings related to the traumatic experience because it's too difficult emotionally, then they need to visit a therapist. This can include avoiding talking or thinking about the event.

3. Negative Changes in Beliefs and Feelings

You need trauma therapy if you have ongoing negative emotions like fear, guilt, anger, or shame related to the traumatic experience. You may also start feeling as if the world is dangerous and people can't be trusted, also known as a loss of positive beliefs and ideals about yourself and others. You might also experience negative feelings about yourself or others. For instance, you may start to blame yourself for the traumatic event in some way.

4. Hyperarousal

This is when an individual has an overly intense reaction, such as anger outbursts, rapid heartbeat, and sweating, when something triggers memories of the traumatic event. PTSD can also cause sleep problems, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

The Bottom Line

If you or a relative has experienced any of the above signs, it might be time to consider trauma therapy. The earlier you commence treatment, the more effective it will be. Trauma therapy works best when it begins within the first few months of the traumatic event.


14 October 2021

Advice for Getting Through Stressful Situations in Life

From the time I was born to the time I graduated high school, my parents were very overprotective of me and shielded me from all of the "bad" things in the world. When I decided to go to college out of state, they wanted me to stay closer to home, but gave into my wishes eventually. Once I got settled at college, I realized just how attached I was to my parents. I began to feel so homesick that I almost quit before the first semester ended. I decided to visit a counselor to see if she could help me get through the semester, and after just a couple of visits, I began actually enjoying my time away from home. I know there are others in tough situations like I was who need guidance, so I decided to start a blog to share my tips for coping with stressful situations.