Suboxone Treatment & Therapy For Heroin Addiction


Heroin is highly addictive, no matter how it is taken. Heroin is a serious substance that can be difficult to quit. If you have lived with substance addiction, you need to approach the process of quitting very carefully. One way many people get help is via suboxone treatment. Suboxone treatment provides people with the treatment they need to return to life and manage any ongoing issues in their life. What Is Heroin?

9 December 2020

Why Child's Play Therapy May Help Your Child


If you have a child that is struggling with their emotions or is having behavioral issues, you may be considering taking them to traditional talk therapy. However, what you may not know about is child's play therapy. Children's play therapy is a treatment that offers many benefits to patients (children) as well as their parents. Get to know more about child's play therapy as well as how this form of therapy may help your child.

25 June 2020

How Individual Counseling Can Help With Alcohol Addiction Recovery


If you have an addiction to alcohol, know that you are not alone. Millions of people across the country are struggling with the same addiction and are feeling what you are feeling. You might, in fact, be feeling as though you will never be able to beat your addiction or that it has become who you are instead of a disease that you are fighting. But this is not the case.

25 June 2020

When Daydreaming Becomes a Nightmare: Identifying and Treating Fantasy Addictions Before They Take Over


Professionals call it "maladaptive daydreaming" but to you, it's a comfortable, sometimes exciting place of fantasy where you can escape nearly any hardship or woe. Whether you're dealing with heartbreak, loss, trauma, abuse, financial problems or simple boredom, daydreaming could become your go-to coping mechanism. However, when the fantasy begins to take priority over your real-life responsibilities, along with pushing aside actual measures of resolution, things can quickly turn from dream to nightmare.

11 March 2020