If you need to see a therapist, or psychotherapist, because you are having a hard time coping with your life and need additional skills to make this coping easier or if you need to work through something that is causing you mental stress, you likely appreciate all of the help that the therapist can provide. However, you might be keenly aware that there is a stigma against getting help for mental health issues. In small communities, you likely know that if the news that you were seeing a therapist got out, it might harm your friendships and career prospects. This is unfair and unfortunate, but it is more important that you get the help that you need without isolating yourself from your community. Here are some tips for keeping the fact that you're seeing a therapist private.
1. Find a Therapist in an Office That Performs Multiple Services
If you do not have a car and need to stay in your smaller town, try to find a therapist whose office is part of a larger practice that deals with all sorts of ailments. Your best bet would be to find a therapist that has an office nearby that of a physical therapist, since it would give you an excuse to go every week. This will allow you to hide the fact that you are seeing someone for a mental illness.
2. Find a Therapist in Another Town
If you do have a car, your best bet is to find a therapist that is located in another town. This is because it will be easier for you to make sure that you can keep your whereabouts private. Call your insurance company to see where you are covered in another town and come up with a reason to go there every week. Physical therapy is also a decent lie in this situation.
3. Start the Conversation
Finally, you could consider starting a conversation about mental illness and the importance of getting help. There is an excellent chance that you are not the only person suffering from the effects of mental illness. Being more open about your struggles and treatment could help encourage others to seek out assistance. Talk to your therapist about how to broach this topic with your family and friends in a way that does not put your current recovery at risk.
For more information, talk to a company that specializes in psychotherapy.
Share27 May 2017
From the time I was born to the time I graduated high school, my parents were very overprotective of me and shielded me from all of the "bad" things in the world. When I decided to go to college out of state, they wanted me to stay closer to home, but gave into my wishes eventually. Once I got settled at college, I realized just how attached I was to my parents. I began to feel so homesick that I almost quit before the first semester ended. I decided to visit a counselor to see if she could help me get through the semester, and after just a couple of visits, I began actually enjoying my time away from home. I know there are others in tough situations like I was who need guidance, so I decided to start a blog to share my tips for coping with stressful situations.